New Choir Season Began September 4!
Online registration is available for midseason registration for all boys, girls and teens who will sing in one of St. Michael’s choirs this fall. Learn more about these choirs here. For more information, please contact Kevin Kerstetter.
Scotland & England Cathedral Choral Residency - July 2025
St. Michael’s Choir will sing a week of services at St. Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland and Carlisle Cathedral in England in mid-July of 2025. Our choir will be joined by the choir of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Beaufort and the Schola Cantorum of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina. During the week, the choir will sing six Choral Evensongs and a Eucharist, and will enjoy a number of superb excursions.
St. Mary’s, Edinburgh
Carlisle Cathedral
Carolina Treble Festival - February 2025
St. Michael’s older boy and girl choristers will participate in the annual Carolina Treble Festival, which will be held February 22-23 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Southern Pines. The festival is extraordinarily fun, and the singing at the closing Eucharist and Choral Evensong is glorious! Choristers who plan to participate in the festival should be registered for this fall’s new choir season.
Our Choirs
Boys, girls, teens and adults of all ages sing in St. Michael's choirs, leading the music of our traditional liturgies throughout the year. Some singers have been part of our choir program for many years, while others are just beginning their training. All are rewarded by the creative process of singing superb sacred music, which will bring them joy for the rest of their lives.
St. Michael's music program upholds the high standards of the Royal School of Church Music, believing that young choristers can learn to sing and read music with expertise as well as any adult. Our choirs are conducted by skilled musicians, with the goal of training all singers to offer their very best musical gifts to God.
To learn more about any of our choirs, please contact our Organist/Choirmaster.
“I will sing with the spirit, and with the understanding also.”
Concerts on Canterbury
St. Michael's offers several outstanding concerts each season. Past performances have featured artists such as the Choir of Clare College Cambridge, the Choir of Guildford Cathedral, Incontri Musicali, and the Oakwood Waits, in addition to organists John Scott, David Briggs, Matthew Michael Brown, Andrew Scanlon, Charles Callahan and Christopher Jacobson.