Our Choirmaster

Organist and Choirmaster of St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Raleigh

A native of Pennsylvania, Kevin Kerstetter has been Organist and Choirmaster at St. Michael’s since 1998. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree in Church Music and a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting, both from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ. At St. Michael’s, he conducts the Adult Choir, the St. Gregory Boychoir and the Canterbury Girls Choir, and serves as the principal organist.

Kevin also conducts the Schola Cantorum of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina, an auditioned choir with the mission of preserving the tradition of Choral Evensong throughout the eastern portion of the state. The Schola enjoyed a week-long choral residency at Liverpool Cathedral in 2016. He is also the chapel organist at St. Mary’s School.

He served on the board of the Royal School of Church Music in America, and is a member of the Association of Anglican Musicians and the American Guild of Organists.